Karinyoo is back!

Playing tourist at the Sydney Opera House 😘

Hi All, it's good to write again, i really want to post more about my current life.

I finally back to blog again after i forgot to extend my domain and had to buy the new one (also forgot to resetting the DNS and CNAME lol - clumsy me always in action). So here it is: www.karinaningtyas.com ðŸ˜‰

It's a bold decision for me to put my name for a website because i used to hate to disclose my real name to the internet world *please do blame my educational background for this* LOL. 

Within the domain name change, i really hope that it will also a beginning to my new life. I want to exercise my mind with writing and maintain my sanity through words and good vibes in this blog.

Currently i lives in Sydney, it's been four months since my arrival in Koala's land. Koalas are my idol; they sleep for 20 hours just to wake up looking for mating, and if they doesn't find a mate, they will go back to sleep. what. a. wonderful. life. hahahahhaa

I will posts more soon,
Cheers mate,